New IVSP Website
Welcome to our new website. You can now order online from our selection of almost a hundred wines from around the world.
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IVSP is a member of RASPIPAV (Regroupement des Agences Spécialisées dans la Promotion des Importations Privées des Alcools et des Vins)

Simple private import.
Importation Vin Select Privée, an agency specializing in the private import of wines that are sure to please all Canadian wine enthusiasts. IVSP namely caters to individuals looking for a specific product or eager to discover new ones.
Our import service also caters to the needs of restaurant owners looking to pamper their clients and diversify their offer with sought-after and exclusive products.
IVSP also stands out with two essential sales arguments: our producers and winemakers have a story to share and exceptional wine products to offer.
IVSP is more than just an agency specializing in private wine import…
IVSP is :
unique products
From 9 countries
A passionate
and devoted
A passionate and competent team, quality products and simple and accessible import. Learn more about the history and team of IVSP, a private wine import agency.
Services offered
to vineyards
IVSP is proud to partner up with passionate producers located in 9 countries, from revered Europe to South Africa and Chile. Let us share the story behind your products with the people of Quebec and Ontario.
Services offered
to restaurant
IVSP is proud to offer an import service to many restaurant owners throughout Quebec. Choose balanced, well-priced and customized wines that will enhance your menus and delight your guests.
Services offered
to individuals
IVSP is proud to offer Canadian consumers a selection of wines from renowned producers. Discover a variety of distinct high-quality products.